Aperçu du poste :
Nous recherchons un boulanger professionnel qualifié, passionné par le manioc et capable de créer une large gamme de produits de boulangerie délicieux et visuellement attrayants à partir de farine de manioc et d'autres dérivés du manioc. Le candidat retenu sera chargé de développer des recettes, des produits de boulangerie, d'assurer le contrôle de la qualité et de gérer les opérations de boulangerie pendant le mois de fête du manioc en Afrique de l'Est 2024.Responsabilité clé :
- Développer des recettes innovantes de produits de boulangerie à base de manioc, notamment du pain, des gâteaux, des pâtisseries, des biscuits et autres confiseries, qui mettent en valeur les saveurs et les qualités uniques du manioc.
- Procurez-vous des ingrédients de haute qualité, notamment de la farine de manioc et d’autres dérivés du manioc, ainsi que des fournitures de boulangerie et des équipements supplémentaires nécessaires à la production.
- Préparez et faites cuire une variété de produits à base de manioc en grandes quantités pour répondre à la demande des participants à l'événement, en garantissant la cohérence, la qualité et la fraîcheur à tout moment.
- Maintenir un espace de travail de boulangerie propre et organisé, en respectant les normes de sécurité alimentaire et d'hygiène, et en suivant les procédures appropriées de stockage et de manipulation de tous les ingrédients et produits finis.
- Collaborez avec les organisateurs d'événements, les vendeurs et les fournisseurs pour coordonner les calendriers de livraison, gérer les niveaux de stock et exécuter les commandes en temps opportun.
- Fournir un excellent service client aux participants à l'événement en proposant des échantillons, en répondant aux questions sur les produits à base de manioc et en recommandant des produits en fonction des préférences et des goûts alimentaires.
- Surveillez les ventes et les commentaires des clients, en recueillant des informations pour éclairer le développement de produits, les stratégies de tarification et les initiatives marketing.
- Aider à l'emballage, à l'étiquetage et au marchandisage des produits à base de manioc destinés à la vente lors de l'événement, en garantissant une présentation attrayante et le respect des exigences réglementaires.
- Représenter la boulangerie et le Mois festif du manioc en Afrique de l'Est avec professionnalisme et enthousiasme, en engageant les participants, les médias et les autres parties prenantes pour promouvoir le manioc en tant qu'ingrédient polyvalent et nutritif.
- Expérience avérée (minimum 3 à 5 ans) en tant que boulanger ou pâtissier professionnel, avec une solide expérience en boulangerie et pâtisserie.
- Connaissance approfondie des techniques de boulangerie, des ingrédients et de l'équipement, en mettant l'accent sur les farines sans gluten et alternatives, y compris la farine de manioc.
- Flair créatif et expertise culinaire, avec la capacité de développer des recettes originales et d'adapter des recettes existantes pour incorporer des ingrédients à base de manioc.
- Solides compétences en organisation et en gestion du temps, avec la capacité de prioriser les tâches, de gérer plusieurs projets simultanément et de travailler efficacement sous pression.
- Excellentes compétences en communication et en relations interpersonnelles, avec une passion pour le service à la clientèle et une attitude amicale et accessible.
- Souci du détail et engagement envers la qualité, en mettant l’accent sur la fourniture de produits et d’expériences client exceptionnels. Flexibilité pour travailler le soir, le week-end et les jours fériés selon les besoins, en particulier pendant le mois de fête du manioc en Afrique de l'Est 2024.
- Connaissance des réglementations et des meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité alimentaire, avec un engagement à maintenir un environnement de boulangerie propre, sûr et hygiénique.
- Un diplôme ou une certification en boulangerie et pâtisserie, en arts culinaires ou dans un domaine connexe est préférable. Comment s'inscrire:
Job Features
Nous recherchons un boulanger professionnel qualifié, passionné par le manioc et capable de créer une large gamme de produits de boulangerie délicieux et visuellement attrayants
Kama Meneja Masoko katika COCML, utakuwa na jukumu muhimu katika kuratibu wakulima na wasindikaji huku ukitunga mikakati ya mauzo na mauzo ya nje. Utakuwa mstari wa mbele katika kukuza ukuaji na mipango ya upanuzi wa soko, ukitumia utaalamu wako ili kuongeza uwezo wa bidhaa za muhogo katika masoko ya ndani na nje ya nchi. Nafasi hii inatoa fursa ya kusisimua ya kuleta athari inayoonekana katika maendeleo ya kilimo na ustawi wa kiuchumi barani Afrika.
Majukumu Muhimu:
- Uratibu wa Wakulima na Wasindikaji:
- Kuanzisha na kudumisha uhusiano na wakulima na wasindikaji wa muhogo.
- Kuratibu ugavi wa vifaa ili kuhakikisha utoaji wa mazao ya muhogo kwa wakati.
- Toa usaidizi na mwongozo kwa wakulima na wasindikaji ili kuongeza tija na viwango vya ubora.
- Mikakati ya Uuzaji na Uuzaji wa nje wa soko:
- Kuendeleza na kutekeleza mipango mkakati ya mauzo ili kufikia malengo ya mapato.
- Kutambua na kutathmini fursa za soko za mazao ya muhogo ndani na nje ya nchi.
- Shirikiana na timu zinazofanya kazi mbalimbali ili kubuni kampeni na matangazo bora ya uuzaji.
- Utafiti na Uchambuzi wa Soko:
- Fanya utafiti wa soko ili kubaini mienendo, shughuli za washindani, na mapendeleo ya watumiaji.
- Changanua data ya mauzo na maoni ya wateja ili kuboresha mikakati ya uuzaji na matoleo ya bidhaa.
- Endelea kufahamishwa kuhusu mahitaji ya udhibiti na sera za biashara zinazoathiri mauzo ya muhogo nje ya nchi.
- Maendeleo ya Ushirikiano:
- Kukuza ushirikiano wa kimkakati na wasambazaji, wauzaji reja reja na wadau wengine katika mnyororo wa thamani wa zao la muhogo.
- Kujadili mikataba na kandarasi ili kupanua ufikiaji wa soko na njia za usambazaji.
- Kushirikiana na mashirika ya serikali na vyama vya viwanda kutetea sera zinazounga mkono kilimo na biashara ya muhogo.
- Uongozi wa Timu na Usimamizi:
- Kuongoza na kushauri timu ya wataalamu wa masoko ili kufikia malengo ya idara.
- Toa mwongozo na mafunzo kuhusu mbinu bora za uuzaji na mwelekeo wa tasnia.
- Kuza utamaduni wa kazi shirikishi na wa ubunifu unaokuza ubunifu na ubora.
- Shahada ya kwanza katika Masoko, Utawala wa Biashara, au fani inayohusiana (Shahada ya Uzamili inapendekezwa).
- Uzoefu uliothibitishwa katika usimamizi wa uuzaji, ikiwezekana katika tasnia ya kilimo au chakula.
- Ujuzi dhabiti wa mauzo na mienendo ya soko la nje, na rekodi ya kuunda mikakati iliyofanikiwa.
- Mawasiliano bora, mazungumzo, na ujuzi kati ya watu.
- Mawazo ya uchambuzi na uwezo wa kutafsiri data na kufanya maamuzi sahihi.
- Uwezo wa uongozi na shauku ya kushauri na kukuza talanta.
- Ustadi katika Microsoft Office Suite na programu/zana za uuzaji.
Kwa nini Ujiunge na COCML:
- Fursa ya kuleta matokeo ya maana katika usalama wa chakula na maendeleo ya kiuchumi barani Afrika.
- Mazingira ya kazi yenye nguvu na shirikishi yenye fursa za ukuaji wa kazi na maendeleo.
- Kifurushi cha fidia cha ushindani na motisha inayotegemea utendaji.
- Mipango ya kazi rahisi na timu ya uongozi inayounga mkono.
Mchakato wa Maombi:
Ili kutuma ombi la kupata nafasi ya Msimamizi wa Masoko katika COCML, tafadhali wasilisha wasifu wako na barua ya maombi inayoelezea sifa zako na matumizi husika kwa email@example.com. Tunatazamia kukaribisha mtu mwenye talanta na anayeendeshwa kwa timu yetu!
Katika COCML, tumejitolea kwa utofauti, usawa, na ujumuishi. Tunawahimiza waombaji kutoka asili zote kutuma maombi.
Job Features
Muhtasari: Kama Meneja Masoko katika COCML, utakuwa na jukumu muhimu katika kuratibu wakulima na wasindikaji huku ukitunga mikakati ya mauzo na mauzo ya nje. Utakuwa mstari wa mbele katika kukuza ukua...
Muhtasari wa Kazi:
Tunatafuta Mratibu wa Tamasha mahiri na mwenye uzoefu ili kuongoza upangaji, uratibu, na utekelezaji wa Mwezi wa Sikukuu ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki 2024. Mgombea aliyefaulu atakuwa na jukumu la kusimamia masuala yote ya usimamizi wa hafla, ikiwa ni pamoja na vifaa, bajeti, masoko, ushirikishwaji wa wadau. , na uzoefu wa mshiriki. Hii ni fursa ya kipekee ya kuongoza mpango wenye athari kubwa unaokuza uvumbuzi wa kilimo, ukuaji wa uchumi na ushirikiano wa kikanda.
Majukumu Muhimu:
- Anzisha na utekeleze mpango wa kina wa matukio na ratiba ya matukio, kuhakikisha shughuli zote zinatekelezwa kwa ufanisi na ndani ya bajeti.
- Kuratibu na timu za ndani, wachuuzi wa nje, wafadhili, na washirika ili kupata rasilimali, kumbi, vifaa na huduma zinazohitajika kwa hafla hiyo.
- Ongoza juhudi za uuzaji na utangazaji ili kuongeza uelewa na kuhamasisha mahudhurio ya Mwezi wa Sikukuu ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki kupitia njia mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na mitandao ya kijamii, kampeni za barua pepe, taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari na ushirikiano.
- Kuza na kudumisha uhusiano na washikadau wakuu, ikijumuisha mashirika ya serikali, vyama vya tasnia, taasisi za kitaaluma, na mashirika ya jamii, ili kupata usaidizi na ushiriki katika hafla hiyo.
- Simamia mchakato wa usajili wa washiriki, waonyeshaji, wasemaji na wafadhili, ukitoa huduma bora kwa wateja na usaidizi katika safari yote.
- Dhibiti utendakazi wa tovuti wakati wa tukio, ikijumuisha usanidi, upangaji, usajili wa waliohudhuria, uratibu wa programu na utatuzi wa masuala yoyote yanayoweza kutokea.
- Tathmini mafanikio ya tukio kupitia tafiti za maoni, uchambuzi wa data, na ripoti za baada ya tukio, kubainisha maeneo ya kuboresha na fursa za ukuaji wa siku zijazo.
- Wakilisha Mwezi wa Sikukuu ya Muhogo wa Afrika Mashariki katika makongamano ya viwanda, matukio ya mitandao, na mikutano ya kukuza tukio na kujenga ushirikiano wa kimkakati. Sifa:
- Shahada ya kwanza katika usimamizi wa hafla, ukarimu, uuzaji, usimamizi wa biashara, au taaluma inayohusiana (Shahada ya Uzamili inapendekezwa).
- Uzoefu uliothibitishwa (angalau miaka 5) katika upangaji wa hafla, uratibu na usimamizi, ikiwezekana kwa mikutano mikubwa, sherehe au maonyesho ya biashara.
- Ujuzi dhabiti wa usimamizi wa mradi, wenye uwezo wa kufanya kazi nyingi, kuweka vipaumbele, na kufikia makataa katika mazingira ya haraka.
- Mawasiliano bora, mazungumzo, na ustadi baina ya watu, wenye uwezo wa kujenga ukaribu na kushirikiana vyema na wadau mbalimbali.
- Ustadi katika programu ya usimamizi wa hafla, zana za usimamizi wa mradi, na Microsoft Office Suite.
- Mwanafikra mbunifu mwenye shauku ya uvumbuzi na uboreshaji endelevu.
- Ujuzi wa sekta ya kilimo, hususan kilimo cha muhogo na mnyororo wa thamani, ni wa ziada.
- Uwezo wa kusafiri ndani ya ukanda wa Afrika Mashariki inapohitajika.
Jinsi ya Kutuma Maombi:
Waombaji wanaovutiwa wanapaswa kuwasilisha wasifu wao, barua ya kazi, na matarajio ya mshahara kwa [info@cassavatradefai.com] kabla ya [tarehe ya mwisho]. Tafadhali jumuisha "Ombi la Kuratibu Tukio - Mwezi wa Sherehe ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki 2024" katika mada. Wagombea walioorodheshwa tu ndio watawasiliana nao kwa mahojiano.
Job Features
Muhtasari wa Kazi: Tunatafuta Mratibu wa Tamasha mahiri na mwenye uzoefu ili kuongoza upangaji, uratibu, na utekelezaji wa Mwezi wa Sikukuu ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki 2024. Mgombea aliyefaulu atakuwa ...
Wajibu Muhimu:
- Tengeneza mapishi ya kibunifu ya bidhaa za kuokwa kwa kuokwa kwa muhogo, ikiwa ni pamoja na mkate, keki, maandazi, vidakuzi, na vitengenezo vingine, vinavyoangazia ladha na sifa za kipekee za muhogo.
- Nunua viungo vya ubora wa juu, ikijumuisha unga wa muhogo na vitokanavyo vingine vya muhogo, pamoja na vifaa vya ziada vya kuoka na vifaa vinavyohitajika kwa uzalishaji.
- Andaa na oka bidhaa mbalimbali zinazotokana na muhogo kwa wingi ili kukidhi mahitaji ya wahudhuriaji wa hafla hiyo, kuhakikisha uthabiti, ubora na ubichi wakati wote.
- Dumisha nafasi ya kazi safi na iliyopangwa ya mikate, kwa kuzingatia viwango vya usalama wa chakula na usafi wa mazingira, na kufuata taratibu zinazofaa za uhifadhi na utunzaji wa viungo vyote na bidhaa zilizomalizika.
- Shirikiana na waandaaji wa hafla, wachuuzi na wasambazaji ili kuratibu ratiba za uwasilishaji, kudhibiti viwango vya hesabu na kutimiza maagizo kwa wakati ufaao.
- Toa huduma bora kwa wateja kwa waliohudhuria hafla kwa kutoa sampuli, kujibu maswali kuhusu bidhaa za muhogo, na kupendekeza bidhaa kulingana na mapendeleo ya lishe na ladha.
- Fuatilia mauzo na maoni kutoka kwa wateja, kukusanya maarifa ili kufahamisha maendeleo ya bidhaa, mikakati ya bei na mipango ya uuzaji. Kusaidia katika ufungaji, kuweka lebo na uuzaji wa bidhaa za muhogo zinazouzwa katika hafla hiyo, kuhakikisha uwasilishaji wa kuvutia kufuata mahitaji ya udhibiti.
- Wakilishe kiwanda cha kutengeneza mikate na Mwezi wa Sikukuu ya Muhogo wa Afrika Mashariki kwa weledi na ari, shirikishi na wahudhuriaji, vyombo vya habari, na wadau wengine kutangaza muhogo kuwa kiungo chenye matumizi mengi na lishe. Sifa:
- Uzoefu uliothibitishwa (angalau miaka 3-5) kama Mwokaji Mtaalamu au Mpishi wa Keki, aliye na usuli dhabiti katika sanaa ya kuoka na keki.
- Ujuzi wa kina wa mbinu za kuoka, viungo, na vifaa, kwa kuzingatia unga usio na gluteni na mbadala, ikiwa ni pamoja na unga wa muhogo.
- Ustadi wa ubunifu na utaalam wa upishi, na uwezo wa kutengeneza mapishi asilia na kurekebisha mapishi yaliyopo ili kujumuisha viungo vinavyotokana na muhogo.
- Ujuzi dhabiti wa shirika na usimamizi wa wakati, na uwezo wa kutanguliza kazi, kusimamia miradi mingi kwa wakati mmoja, na kufanya kazi kwa ufanisi chini ya shinikizo.
- Ujuzi bora wa mawasiliano na baina ya watu, wenye shauku ya huduma kwa wateja na tabia ya kirafiki, inayofikika. Kuzingatia undani na kujitolea kwa ubora, kwa kuzingatia kutoa bidhaa za kipekee na uzoefu wa wateja.
- Unyumbufu wa kufanya kazi jioni, wikendi, na likizo inapohitajika, haswa wakati wa Mwezi wa Sherehe ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki 2024.
- Maarifa ya kanuni za usalama wa chakula na mbinu bora, kwa kujitolea kudumisha mazingira safi, salama na ya usafi ya mikate.
- Shahada au cheti katika Sanaa ya Kuoka na Keki, Sanaa ya Kilimo, au nyanja inayohusiana inapendelewa.
Jinsi ya Kutuma Usajili
Waombaji wanaovutiwa wanapaswa kuwasilisha wasifu wao, barua ya kazi, kwingineko (ikiwa inatumika), na matarajio ya mshahara kwa [info@cassavatradefair.com] kabla ya [tarehe ya mwisho]. Tafadhali jumuisha "Professional Baker Application - Mwezi wa Sherehe ya Muhogo Afrika Mashariki 2024" katika mada. Wagombea walioorodheshwa tu ndio watawasiliana nao kwa mahojiano.Job Features
Tunatafuta Mtaalamu wa kuoka aliyebobea na anayependa sana muhogo na mwenye uwezo wa kutengeneza bidhaa mbalimbali zenye ladha nzuri na zenye kuvutia kwa kutumia unga wa muhogo
Job Overview:
We are looking for a skilled Professional Baker who is passionate about cassava and capable of creating a wide range of delicious and visually appealing baked goods using cassava flour and other cassava derivatives. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing recipes, baking products, ensuring quality control, and managing the bakery operation during the East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024.Key Responsibilitie:
- Develop innovative recipes for cassava-based baked goods, including bread, cakes, pastries, cookies, and other confections, that highlight the unique flavors and qualities of cassava.
- Procure high-quality ingredients, including cassava flour and other cassava derivatives, as well as additional baking supplies and equipment necessary for production.
- Prepare and bake a variety of cassava-based products in large quantities to meet the demand of event attendees, ensuring consistency, quality, and freshness at all times.
- Maintain a clean and organized bakery workspace, adhering to food safety and sanitation standards, and following proper storage and handling procedures for all ingredients and finished products.
- Collaborate with event organizers, vendors, and suppliers to coordinate delivery schedules, manage inventory levels, and fulfill orders in a timely manner.
- Provide excellent customer service to event attendees by offering samples, answering questions about cassava products, and recommending products based on dietary preferences and tastes.
- Monitor sales and feedback from customers, gathering insights to inform product development, pricing strategies, and marketing initiatives.
- Assist with packaging, labeling, and merchandising of cassava products for sale at the event, ensuring attractive presentation and compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Represent the bakery and the East Africa Cassava Festive Month with professionalism and enthusiasm, engaging with attendees, media, and other stakeholders to promote cassava as a versatile and nutritious ingredient.
- Proven experience (minimum 3-5 years) as a Professional Baker or Pastry Chef, with a strong background in baking and pastry arts.
- Extensive knowledge of baking techniques, ingredients, and equipment, with a focus on gluten-free and alternative flours, including cassava flour.
- Creative flair and culinary expertise, with the ability to develop original recipes and adapt existing recipes to incorporate cassava-based ingredients.
- Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and work efficiently under pressure.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with a passion for customer service and a friendly, approachable demeanor.
- Attention to detail and commitment to quality, with a focus on delivering exceptional products and customer experiences.
- Flexibility to work evenings, weekends, and holidays as needed, particularly during the East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024.
- Knowledge of food safety regulations and best practices, with a commitment to maintaining a clean, safe, and hygienic bakery environment.
- Degree or certification in Baking and Pastry Arts, Culinary Arts, or a related field is preferred.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their resume, cover letter, portfolio (if applicable), and salary expectations to [info@cassavatradefair.com] by [deadline]. Please include "Professional Baker Application - East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024" in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.Job Features
We are looking for a skilled Professional Baker who is passionate about cassava and capable of creating a wide range of delicious and visually appealing baked goods using cassava flour and other cassa...
Job Overview:
We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Event Organizer to spearhead the planning, coordination, and execution of the East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024. The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of event management, including logistics, budgeting, marketing, stakeholder engagement, and participant experience. This is a unique opportunity to lead a high-impact initiative that promotes agricultural innovation, economic growth, and regional collaboration.
Key Responsibilities:
- Develop and implement a comprehensive event plan and timeline, ensuring all activities are executed efficiently and within budget.
- Coordinate with internal teams, external vendors, sponsors, and partners to secure resources, venues, equipment, and services needed for the event.
- Lead the marketing and promotional efforts to raise awareness and drive attendance for the East Africa Cassava Festive Month through various channels, including social media, email campaigns, press releases, and partnerships.
- Cultivate and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including government agencies, industry associations, academic institutions, and community organizations, to garner support and participation in the event.
- Oversee the registration process for participants, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors, providing excellent customer service and support throughout the journey.
- Manage on-site operations during the event, including setup, logistics, attendee registration, program coordination, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.
- Evaluate the success of the event through feedback surveys, data analysis, and post-event reports, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for future growth.
- Represent the East Africa Cassava Festive Month at industry conferences, networking events, and meetings to promote the event and build strategic partnerships.
Bachelor's degree in event management, hospitality, marketing, business administration, or related field (Master's degree preferred).
- Proven experience (minimum 5 years) in event planning, coordination, and management, preferably for large-scale conferences, festivals, or trade shows.
- Strong project management skills, with the ability to multitask, prioritize, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
- Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build rapport and collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders.
- Proficiency in event management software, project management tools, and Microsoft Office Suite.
- Creative thinker with a passion for innovation and continuous improvement.
- Knowledge of the agricultural sector, particularly cassava cultivation and value chains, is a plus.
- Ability to travel within the East African region as needed.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their resume, cover letter, and salary expectations to [info@cassavatradefai.com] by [deadline]. Please include "Event Organizer Application - East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024" in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Job Features
We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Event Organizer to spearhead the planning, coordination, and execution of the East Africa Cassava Festive Month 2024.
Marketing Manager
As a Marketing Manager at COCML, you will play a pivotal role in coordinating farmers and processors while formulating sales and export market strategies. You'll be at the forefront of driving growth and market expansion initiatives, leveraging your expertise to maximize the potential of cassava products in local and international markets. This position offers an exciting opportunity to make a tangible impact on agricultural development and economic prosperity in Africa.
Key Responsibilities:
- Coordination of Farmers and Processors:
- Establish and maintain relationships with cassava farmers and processors.
- Coordinate supply chain logistics to ensure timely delivery of cassava products.
- Provide support and guidance to farmers and processors to enhance productivity and quality standards.
- Sales and Export Market Strategies:
- Develop and implement strategic sales plans to achieve revenue targets.
- Identify and evaluate market opportunities for cassava products, both domestically and internationally.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design effective marketing campaigns and promotions.
- Market Research and Analysis:
- Conduct market research to identify trends, competitor activities, and consumer preferences.
- Analyze sales data and customer feedback to optimize marketing strategies and product offerings.
- Stay informed about regulatory requirements and trade policies affecting cassava exports.
- Partnership Development:
- Cultivate strategic partnerships with distributors, retailers, and other stakeholders in the cassava value chain.
- Negotiate agreements and contracts to expand market reach and distribution channels.
- Collaborate with government agencies and industry associations to advocate for policies supportive of cassava farming and trade.
- Team Leadership and Management:
- Lead and mentor a team of marketing professionals to achieve departmental goals.
- Provide guidance and training on marketing best practices and industry trends.
- Foster a collaborative and innovative work culture that promotes creativity and excellence.
- Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field (Master's degree preferred).
- Proven experience in marketing management, preferably in the agricultural or food industry.
- Strong knowledge of sales and export market dynamics, with a track record of developing successful strategies.
- Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills.
- Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data and make informed decisions.
- Leadership abilities with a passion for mentoring and developing talent.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and marketing software/tools.
Why Join COCML:
- Opportunity to make a meaningful impact on food security and economic development in Africa.
- Dynamic and collaborative work environment with opportunities for career growth and advancement.
- Competitive compensation package with performance-based incentives.
- Flexible work arrangements and a supportive leadership team.
Application Process:
To apply for the Marketing Manager position at COCML, please submit your resume and cover letter detailing your qualifications and relevant experience to email@example.com. We look forward to welcoming a talented and driven individual to our team!
At COCML, we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds to apply.
Job Features
As a Marketing Manager at COCML, you will play a pivotal role in coordinating farmers and processors while formulating sales and export market strategies.
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